Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GHIG 2011-2012

Welcome to GHIG's official page!

Here we will post highlights and announcements for upcoming events. Stay tuned for more information.

The Global Health Interest Group strives to:

Host a monthly event to increase global health education and excitement about international issues

Post a weekly article emphasizing how global health issues affect us on a local level

Maintain a database of international clinical elective opportunities and encourage students to spend a 4th year rotation abroad

Our faculty advisor, Randy Wykoff, MD, MPH & TM, is a physician board certified in both Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, has a Masters of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and is the current Dean of the ETSU College of Public Health. He has over twenty years of executive public health leadership experience on the local, national, and international level.

2011-12 Officers

Presidents: Alicia Siffring and Lindsey McAmis

Monday, March 21, 2011

Save Japan and SHOW YOUR HEART

Colleagues and Peers,

I would like to take a moment to ask a favor. For over a week, we have watched the aftermath of devastation from the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and the tsunami that swept away peoples' homes and lives. For over a week I have watched, prayed for the safety of my friends and the people of Japan, and shed many tears of happiness and sorrow. The courage and solidarity of the Japanese people is incredible despite the great hardship many of them face. Seeing their strength and determination inspires me take action. The need is great and I would like to help as much as I can, but I need help. I will be setting up a bank account to take donations for Japan. Instead of making t-shirts and losing some of the proceeds to buying and making t-shirts, I ask that you donate money directly. I know it may seem odd to not have a tangible object, but I feel as if all the proceeds should go towards the Red Cross and the victims and not chunk of it to a print shop. I will be donating the money to SHOW YOUR HEART
a charity set up by GACKT, a rock star in Japan (Yes I know it's in Japanese ). All proceeds will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society
and local prefectures in Japan (I prefer to skip the middlemen). The deadline is March 29 (I know the time frame is short, but the deadline for this charity is March 31 (which is 11:00am March 30 our time). If we don't make the deadline, I will just extend the time (probably to April 11) and just donate it to the Japanese Red Cross Society
directly. I thank you for you time. You can find me, or put your donation in my mail box. Donate how ever much you feel comfortable giving.

We decided to organize the charity as it was something that even we could start [in order to help]. We want everyone to lend us their strength. Although individuals may not be able to do much, if everyone works together, it becomes a lot of power. In this sort of time, we need to have the courage to lend a helping hand.”

To date SHOW YOUR HEART has raised 132,178,550 Yen that is $1.630,422.41

Thanks again,
Andrew Wong

Monday, March 14, 2011

If you are a current first year and are interested in taking over the Global Health Interest Group for next year, please email me at parsonsa@goldmail.etsu.edu